Have you ever thought about how much work your brain and body do just to keep up with the world around you? Every day, your five senses work together, taking in and processing your environment so you can make sense of life and enjoy it fully. Among them, your ears play a crucial role, picking up sounds and vibrations that allow you to chat with loved ones, stay alert to potential dangers, lose yourself in music, or laugh along with a great story.
Our ears and our heaving never go to sleep but remain alert, even when we’re not. That’s why it’s so important to look after them.
Today, we’re diving into the signs of hearing loss, why regular hearing tests matter, and the services we offer to keep your hearing in optimum shape.
Hearing loss happens when the signals your ears pick up can’t be properly transmitted to your brain. Sometimes it’s only temporary, sometimes it’s permanent, and occasionally, it can even highlight underlying health issues.
Here are some common signs of hearing loss worth keeping an ear out for:
● Finding it tricky to follow conversations, especially in noisy settings
● Turning the TV or music volume up higher
● Struggling to hear during phone calls
● Having to ask friends and family to repeat themselves
● Hearing buzzing, roaring, or hissing sounds with no external source (this is known as tinnitus)
While hearing loss becomes more common as we age, it doesn’t just affect older folks. Loud music or workplace noise, ear infections, wax build-up, or a perforated eardrum can all contribute. As symptoms are often gradual, a great way to establish a baseline is to book a hearing test.
We truly believe that hearing well helps you live well. Think about how much of life is experienced through sound—whether it’s phone calls with loved ones, birdsong on a quiet morning, or your favourite playlist. Good hearing is a gift, but it’s easy to take for granted until it’s not so sharp anymore.
Just like regular check-ups for your eyes or teeth, routine hearing tests should be part of your health care routine. Dealing with hearing issues is always easier when they’re picked up early, so having regular hearing tests (especially for over-50s) is a great way to protect your health and well-being.
We pride ourselves on being experts in audiology and established opticians. Since 1932, we have worked to improve the lives of our patients in the local communities we serve. As independent audiologists and opticians, we know the importance of a personalised and individual approach, and it’s a pleasure to be able to look after two of your most important senses under a single roof.
Improving your hearing is a brilliant way to stay connected with nature, friends and family, and the arts.
Here’s how we can help you do just that, with services designed around your needs, including:
● Free hearing screening
● A comprehensive ear wax removal service
● State-of-the-art hearing aids
● Professional and impartial advice for your hearing loss concerns
If you have any hearing worries about yourself or someone close to you, don’t hesitate to get in touch with your local Harrold Audiologists & Opticians branch. We have outstanding, friendly experts on hand to guide you through our hearing tests and to create personalised treatment plans if required. Your journey to better hearing starts here, with us.