Corporate schemes are available; email to find out more.
Adjust your screen
If you work with a computer, take the time to adjust your
computer screen to the right height and make sure you
take regular breaks.
Find the right light
Poor lighting can contribute to computer eye strain.
Readjust your computer to avoid screen glare from the
sun and open / shut blinds accordingly.
Anti-Reflective lenses
We offer special Anti-Reflective coatings on your lenses to
reduce glare and make you much more comfortable
when using the computer.
Take a break!
Excessive use of a computer followed by a lot of reading
or watching television could result in sore eyes and
headache like symptoms. Give your eyes a rest!
Adjust your screen
If you work with a computer, take the time to adjust your computer screen to the right height and make sure you take regular breaks.
Find the right light
Poor lighting can contribute to computer eye strain.
Readjust your computer to avoid screen glare from the sun and open / shut blinds accordingly.
Anti-Reflective lenses
We offer special Anti-Reflective coatings on your lenses to reduce glare and make you much more comfortable when using the computer.
Take a break!
Excessive use of a computer followed by a lot of reading or watching television could result in sore eyes and headache like symptoms. Give your eyes a rest!