The only time you want to have any type of floater really is if you are in water and require some form of flotation support. Most other types of floaters are not particularly pleasant, including eye floaters.
Although eye floaters are not usually a major cause for concern, there is a possibility that there could be an underlying issue so it is useful to know what they are and when you might need to seek treatment.
Eye floaters are little dots that appear in your vision, and they disappear when you look directly at them or when you close your eyes. They tend to appear when you are looking at something of light colour and they are occur when small clumps form in the vitreous humour within the eyeball. Generally, they are harmless and will quickly disappear just as fast as they appeared.
Floaters will become more common as you age because age-related changes to the retina can cause the vitreous humour to separate from the retina, shredding bits of jelly that become floaters.
You may also experience floaters if you have inflammation at the back of your eye, known as uveitis which can be caused by an infection or inflammatory disease.
Those most at risk of floaters include people aged over 50, diabetics, people with near-sightedness and anyone who has had cataract surgery or an eye injury. High blood pressure can also cause floaters and standing up quickly can make floaters appear.
In the case of harmless floaters, you should be able to move your eyeballs from side to side to clear the floaters from your vision.
If you are experiencing an increased number of floaters or are seeing flashes of light or a blurry area in your eye that is blocking your vision, these could be signs of a condition that requires medical treatment.
Floaters can be caused by a retina tear and without treatment, this can lead to severe vision problems and even permanent vision loss but when identified early enough it can be treated to maintain vision.
If you have had a recent eye injury, migraine or an increase in blood pressure and you are experiencing more floaters than you usually would, you should book an appointment with an optician as soon as possible.
Harrold Opticians uses the latest eye examination technology to check for any retina damage so that we can refer any patients that require immediate medical attention to the necessary treatment.
In the majority of cases, floaters are nothing to worry about but it is always a good idea to have regular eye tests and if you have any type of vision concerns, we can help to put your mind at rest.
Book an eye test at Harrold Opticians today and we will make sure your eye health is well taken care of.